Michelle & Tony | Married

This beautiful couple was married just a few weeks ago at their church, which was followed by a gorgeous reception at the Montpelier Center for Arts and Education.  I immediately fell in love with this venue when I learned that it is an old school built during the Depression.  The southern fairytale theme made for an absolutely perfect feel for Michelle and Tony.  From the cowboy boots, to the braided hairstyles, I loved this wedding!  Enjoy my (many) favorites!!!


Michelle, you are the absolute sweetest!  So beautiful!ImageImageImageImageImageImage

Whew!  What a ring!!!


Michelle's handsome groom! ImageImageImage

Michelle stitched a piece of one of her dad's shirts into her dress to surprise him.ImageImageImageImageImageImage

Sweetest groom reaction of all time <3ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

We weren't going to let a little rain stop us from getting some post-ceremony portraits!!!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

We headed outside for one more round of portraits before the sun set!  How cute are they?!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

Congratulations Michelle and Tony!

A special thank you to my sweet friend, Nikki, for helping me all day!  I couldn't have done it without you, girl!